Personalized and at your own pace.

Tech literacy is a constant state of learning... we have memberships, programs, and clubs to help you keep up with the constant changes in technology.

Choose a location to learn more:

Something for Everyone

Year Round Memberships, Programs, & clubs

The tech center provides a focal point for young and old with various skill-sets and interests to collaborate and utilize the power of cutting-edge technology.

about us

We are closing the gap between those who consider themselves technically savvy and those who don't. We are currently expanding our Technology Center to multiple cities to facilitate exploration of technology as solutions in all aspects of community life. Our year round programs, events and clubs are for all ages, abilities, and interests and are designed to develop a local pipeline for a thriving tech sector, retain local talent, and elevate the technical skills of the entire workforce.

What people say about us...

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The tech center provides a focal point for all ages, all abilities, and all interests to collaborate and utilize the power of cutting-edge technology.
Schedule a tour at your convenience.

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Ready to engage with the utility of the 21st century?

We are taking the lead in tech literacy for all – changing the demographics of the tech industry and developing a tech savvy workforce by breaking down barriers and making state of the art technology available to everyone.


We have a pilot proven, scalable solution for tech literacy that can keep up with the constant changes in the tech industry.

Are you going to be an early investor in THE utility of the 21st Century?


Have cutting edge technology or software to share with the world?

Our participants not only use the products, they also show others how to use the product as part of their training.


We are working towards each tech center  having 5000 visitors per month
with at least 500 members and program participants who will be coming to the tech center at least once a week.  

We can also discuss exclusive industry exposure in each location.